The CB2 setup program didn't work for me but the xbmc network manager addon worked perfectly so I downloaded and use that rather than doing it all via the operating system. apt-get update & apt-get install build-essential linux-headers- (uname -r) Now I want to install my Alfa-AWUS036H wireless USB device to Kali. Well suppose the driver has been downloaded to your Downloads folder and is called 20110719RT3070RT3370RT5370RT5372LinuxSTAV2.5.0.3DPO.bz2. After installation I upgraded Kali's kernel headers to the latest version (now I have v3.16 ).
You can download the official Linux drivers from this site. Reboot and check with lsusb lsmod and ifconfig to make sure all is working as required in the operating system. Your adapter has a Ralink RT3070 chipset. Make and install the modified driver make To change the name from ra0 to wlan0 modify include/rtmp_def.h and change ra to wlan in the following lines: #define INF_MAIN_DEV_NAME "ra" go to this file /os/linux/rtlinux.c and change these : / pOSFSInfo->fsuid currentfsuid () /. 11 hours ago Chipset: Ralink RT3070 Supported OS - Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Debian Frequency - 2.
go to this path /os/linux/config.mk and change these lines: HASWPASUPPLICANTy. Rt3070 Driver Aircrack For Mac Os X If your computer doesnt have a DVD or CD-ROM player you can download your drivers here. To quieten down the debugging modify sta/sta-cfg.c: remove "#ifdef DBG" on line 4095 apt-get update & apt-get install build-essential linux-headers- (uname -r) 2-. Install the extension package by clicking it, connect the VBox Guest Additions connect the iso to the cd drive and then goto devices and attach it to the vm. Modify the following code in os/linux/config.mk as below: HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y g: desktop), and open Terminal at the current path (press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the. 2: Identify USB driver using GTK+ front-end for lshw. Fortunately, you can get it to work on i386 and amd64 systems by downloading and compiling an open source driver.

I found this workaround that worked for me: